var __lang = { lan1: 'Error saving design document!', lan2: 'File type supported', lan3: 'Confirm', lan4: 'Please choose how to upload your design manuscript?', lan5: 'Cancel', lan6: 'Design by upload file', lan7: 'Design by design panel', DIYRef3DViewIng: '正在刷新3D模型', DIYSaveDiyDataIng: '正在保存DIY数据', DIYSaveDiyFileIng: '正在保存设计稿文件', DiyLan173: 'Sorry, the request failed!', DIYXSec2Refresh: '{0} SECS to auto-refresh', DIYErrorBySaveDesign: 'Error saving design document!', DiyLan029: 'Something is wrong', CUSConfirm: 'Confirm', PUBCancel: 'Cancel', DIYUploadArtwork: 'Upload Artwork', DIYChooseTip: 'How to choose', Orders94: 'Design Artwork', DIYDesignUploadMode: 'Design by upload file', DIYDesignSysMode: 'Design by design panel', DIYForceRefresh: 'Immediate refresh', DIYRevisionDesign: 'Revision Design', DIYArtwork: 'Artwork', DIYMsgPlsSave: 'It should be saved first.', PUBSave: 'Save', DIYSharePlsPW: 'Password of this sharing', Message004: 'Please Wait...', PUBCopy: 'Copy', PUBClose: 'Close', LoginPassword: 'Password', DIYPublicLinks: 'Public Links', DIYPrivateLinks: 'Private Links', DIYDesignModeChange: 'Design draft pattern is modified, you need to upload the map again to ensure that the design draft is correct!', DIYConfirmDesignTip: 'After confirmation will not be able to modify again, determine the operation?', DIYCancelDesignTip: 'After cancel need you to upload design draft again, confirm this operation?', }; var __lang_global = __lang;